Google Guaranteed
The Google Guarantee:
The Google Guarantee badge is available for businesses that pass a Google & Pinkerton background screening and qualification process.

What that means to you:
  • It gives the customer a piece of mind knowing that the D. Rohde Plumbing, Heating & AC Ownership & Team have been fully vetted by Google and is part of a list of licensed & qualified professionals that can be trusted to get the work done right the first time.
The Most Common Sink Problems

The Most Common Sink Problems

Whether it is in the kitchen or the bathroom, a sink is an essential part of any home for keeping everything and everyone within it clean. Many issues can arise in a home’s sink that need the attention of a professional, and others can be repaired at home with simple tools and an online guide. First, though, you should know how to spot problems with the sink and what to do about them.

Faucet Leaks

One of the more obvious signs that a sink is in desperate need of repair is if it is consistently leaking. Leaking faucets can cost a fortune in the water bill if they are left unattended, so it is best to act swiftly.

If there are cracks in the faucet, you can contact a professional, or you may be able to find the steps to make your own repairs. However, if there seems to be an issue with the base of the sink, you will need the help of a professional. Problems like cracks and such with the base of the sink require much more complex work that can only be done by a pro.

Low Water Pressure

If your sink seems to have less power than it used to, there may be an issue involving the water pressure. Problems like these can come from a variety of different sources, including a leak in the water main. Most likely though, it is caused by a buildup of minerals and may be simple for a homeowner to clean themselves.

If you find that you have cleaned your sink out of all buildups and you are still experiencing issues with water pressure in your sinks, contact a professional soon. If it turns out that there is a leak in the water main, that could be a serious issue that needs professional attention.

Get in Touch

When you need quick and quality repairs for your sink, trust the professionals at D. Rohde Heating, Plumbing & AC. Contact us today.
