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The Google Guarantee:
The Google Guarantee badge is available for businesses that pass a Google & Pinkerton background screening and qualification process.

What that means to you:
  • It gives the customer a piece of mind knowing that the D. Rohde Plumbing, Heating & AC Ownership & Team have been fully vetted by Google and is part of a list of licensed & qualified professionals that can be trusted to get the work done right the first time.
How to Stay Warm While Waiting for Heating Repairs

How to Stay Warm While Waiting for Heating Repairs

When winter storms hit or your heating system malfunctions, staying warm becomes a top priority. While waiting for professional repairs, there are several steps you can take to keep your home as comfortable as possible.

Create a Warm Zone

Gather everyone into a single room and close off unused spaces to conserve heat. Use blankets, towels, or draft stoppers to seal windows and doorways, preventing warm air from escaping. If possible, choose a smaller room with carpeting, as it will retain heat better than larger, open areas.

Layer Up for Warmth

Wearing multiple layers helps trap body heat, keeping you warm even in lower temperatures. Thermal socks, sweaters, and insulated clothing work best. Hats and scarves are also essential, as a significant amount of body heat is lost through the head and neck.

Stay Dry

Wet clothing can quickly lower body temperature, making you feel even colder. If you get caught in snow or rain, change into dry clothes immediately. Keeping extra blankets and warm clothing handy ensures that everyone in your household stays comfortable.

Prioritize Vulnerable Individuals

Infants, elderly family members, and those with medical conditions are more susceptible to cold-related health risks. If someone in your home falls into these categories, consider taking them to a heated location, such as a family member’s house or a warming center, until your heating system is fixed.

Use Safe Heating Methods

While it may be tempting to use your oven or stove for warmth, this can create a dangerous buildup of carbon monoxide. Instead, use electric space heaters safely by keeping them away from flammable materials and never leaving them unattended. If you have a fireplace, ensure the chimney is properly ventilated before use.

Plan for Repairs

Stay in touch with your HVAC technician to get updates on your service appointment. If possible, prepare the area around your heating unit so repairs can be completed efficiently. To avoid emergency breakdowns in the future, schedule routine maintenance throughout the season to catch potential issues early.

Be Prepared for Winter Heating Emergencies

Dealing with a heating failure during winter is never ideal, but taking proactive steps can help keep your home and family safe. By insulating your space, dressing warmly, and avoiding unsafe heating methods, you can maintain warmth while waiting for repairs. If your system starts showing signs of trouble, schedule maintenance right away to prevent a complete breakdown when you need heat the most.
