Google Guaranteed
The Google Guarantee:
The Google Guarantee badge is available for businesses that pass a Google & Pinkerton background screening and qualification process.

What that means to you:
  • It gives the customer a piece of mind knowing that the D. Rohde Plumbing, Heating & AC Ownership & Team have been fully vetted by Google and is part of a list of licensed & qualified professionals that can be trusted to get the work done right the first time.
How To Stay Energy Efficient This Summer

How To Stay Energy Efficient This Summer

Cooling costs can go through the roof during the summer as the heat rises during the season. Here are some ideas to stay energy and cost-efficient this summer to keep your home at a comfortable temperature without putting a major dent in your pockets.

Check Your Air Conditioner Air Filters

Air conditioners can be somewhat complex and need regular maintenance. If neglected, they are more likely to face major issues, and you will need an HVAC professional to help.

However, you don’t need to be a trained professional to keep up with routine maintenance. Replacing the air filter is one of the easiest and most effective methods for keeping your unit running efficiently. Clogged or dirty air filters can block airflow and impact your air conditioner’s ability to function. Replacing it can lower the AC unit’s energy usage by up to 15% and lower the overall cost of its operation. A recommended replacement schedule is about every two to three months, but if the unit is subjected to increased dust build-up or pet shedding, it’s recommended to change the filter every month.

Use Fans With Your AC

Coupling a fan with your AC unit can help cool more of your space without decreasing the thermostat temperature. Using ceiling fans or box fans with your AC unit can raise the thermostat about four degrees without feeling any warmer. The most important thing to remember is to turn off all fans when nobody is home, not to increase your energy bill.

Close Blinds and Seal Any Air Leaks

One of the biggest ways to impact the temperature of your house is to seal any air leaks so that you don’t let the cool air out. We usually think of air leaks when warming our houses in the winter, but it can work the same way with cold air. Air leaks can happen with unlocked windows or doors or cracks between walls and windows.

If you need a new AC unit or more in-depth maintenance of an existing one, contact our experts today!
